Thanhga is a specialized website dedicated to providing extensive information on chicken farming, various chicken breeds, and scientific methods for chicken care from top experts in Vietnam. Led by Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Phuong, a veterinarian with over 15 years of experience in poultry care and a trusted advisor to over 50 chicken farms across Vietnam, Thanhga recognizes the importance of accumulating deep knowledge for those involved in chicken farming. This platform Thanhga was created with the primary goal of accompanying chicken farmers on their journey to build a scientific chicken care community.

What Does Thanhga Offer?

On Thanhga, you will discover a vast repository of knowledge about chicken care and the most common chicken diseases today. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Phuong believes, “Our website must be the first place chicken farmers think of when they want to learn about chickens or chicken diseases. Therefore, we always invest in content to ensure it is as rich and accurate as possible.” Currently, features two main sections:

What Does Thanhga Offer?
What Does Thanhga Offer?

  • Chicken Farming Knowledge: This section compiles information on chicken farming from A to Z, provided by top experts in Vietnam. Topics include building chicken coops, feeding chickens, supplementing chicken diets, feather care, and identifying chicken scales.
  • Chicken Diseases: Thanhga provides a comprehensive list of diseases that may affect your chickens. Additionally, we offer preventive measures to help keep your flock healthy.

Additional Section: Expert Chicken Farming Knowledge and Partnerships

Beyond these core sections, Thanhga also offers a wealth of practical knowledge and insights into advanced chicken farming techniques. This includes best practices shared by experienced farmers and researchers, ensuring that you stay updated with the latest trends and methodologies in the field. Furthermore, Thanhga collaborates with various reputable partners, including agricultural institutes and poultry farming organizations, to bring you the most reliable and scientifically-backed information.

Comprehensive Support for Every Chicken Farmer

Thanhga is committed to providing comprehensive support for chicken farmers at every stage of their journey. Whether you’re setting up your first chicken coop, managing a growing flock, or tackling complex health issues, Thanhga is here to guide you. Our platform not only offers detailed tutorials and expert advice but also connects you with a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for poultry farming. With Thanhga, you’re never alone in your pursuit of excellence in chicken care.

Expert Chicken Farming Knowledge and Partnerships
Expert Chicken Farming Knowledge and Partnerships

Common Chicken Diseases to Watch For

During our research on chicken diseases, the experts at Thanhga have identified the top 9 most common illnesses that poultry farmers should be aware of:

Newcastle Disease (Niu-cát-xồ)

Newcastle Disease is a highly contagious and severe poultry illness caused by the Newcastle disease virus. According to Thanhga, infected chickens exhibit noticeable signs of weakness and lethargy. They may become less active, eat less, and show difficulty breathing, often with rapid, shallow breaths and open-mouthed breathing.

Common Chicken Diseases to Watch For
Common Chicken Diseases to Watch For

  • Symptoms: Weakness, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and possible neurological symptoms such as tremors or paralysis.
  • Prevention: Regular vaccination and maintaining clean and hygienic living conditions.

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Avian Influenza, also known as Bird Flu, is a dangerous infectious disease caused by the Influenza A virus. This virus severely impacts poultry and has the potential to infect humans.

  • Symptoms: High fever, swelling of the head and face, reduced appetite, subcutaneous hemorrhaging, and changes in comb color.
  • Prevention: Vaccination, controlling poultry sources, and implementing strict biosecurity measures.

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Marek’s Disease

Marek’s Disease is a severe viral infection caused by a herpesvirus affecting poultry, particularly chickens. Named after Hungarian scientist József Marek, who first described the disease in 1907, Marek’s Disease remains a significant concern in global poultry farming due to its economic impact.

  • Symptoms: Paralysis of the legs, wings, or neck, deformities of the eyes, and weight loss.
  • Prevention: Vaccinate chicks within 24 hours of hatching.


Coccidiosis is a widespread and damaging poultry disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria. These parasites infect different parts of the gastrointestinal tract in chickens.

  • Symptoms: Diarrhea, stunted growth, and blood in the droppings.
  • Prevention: Keep housing dry and clean, and administer anticoccidial medications regularly.

Infectious Bronchitis

Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is an acute viral respiratory disease in poultry caused by the coronavirus. It is highly contagious and affects the respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems of chickens.

  • Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, coughing, reduced egg production in layers, and soft-shelled eggs.
  • Prevention: Vaccination and isolating affected birds from the flock.

Fowl Pox

Fowl Pox is a viral infection in poultry caused by the Poxviridae family. This disease is common among chickens and can affect various bird species.

Fowl Pox presents in two main forms:

  • Dry (cutaneous) form: Characterized by wart-like lesions or scabs on featherless skin areas such as the comb, wattles, eyelids, and legs. These lesions start as small white nodules and progress to brown or black scabs.
  • Wet (mucosal) form: Affects the soft tissues of the mouth, throat, trachea, and lungs. This form is more severe and can lead to difficulty breathing, coughing, and significant loss of appetite.
  • Symptoms: Lesions on the comb, face, and other featherless skin areas.
  • Prevention: Vaccination and protecting chickens from mosquito bites, which can transmit the disease.

Understanding and managing these common chicken diseases is crucial for maintaining a healthy flock. Regular monitoring, preventive measures, and prompt treatment can help ensure the well-being of your poultry and minimize the risk of disease outbreaks.

In summary, we have introduced you to the Thanhga brand. Whether you’re new to chicken farming or a seasoned expert, if you have any questions about the care process, don’t forget to visit our website. We hope you find valuable knowledge here that helps you raise healthy chickens and achieve success in your farming endeavors.

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